Our mission at HunYuan Health is to provide our patients with an integrated and holistic approach to healing. Our treatments combine Acupuncture, Massage, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tai-Chi, Qi-Gong and Tui Na.
Martin Deng is a Tai-chi & Qi-gong master, registered TCM practitioner and is a member of the Federation of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Societies of Australia Ltd (FCMA).
Chinese Herbal Therapy
In Chinese Medicine, diseases are often treated with herbs. Chinese Herbal Therapy relies on natural ingredients to help you regain balance in your body and strengthen your body's resistance to disease. Herbs are prescribed to restore energy balance to the opposing forces of energy - Yin and Yang - that run through the meridien system.
Like Chinese herbal therapy, acupuncture can address unhealthy body patterns that manifest in a variety of symptoms and complaints. The aim of acupuncture is to bring balance and harmony to the body's energy system and internal organs to bring about balance and increase resistance to disease.
Remedial Massage
Hunyuan Acupuncture & Massage is founded on the principles of traditional practice to restore balance and stimulate the flow of qi (chi). Qi is the free flow of vital energy circulating through the body and the world around us, if the qi is disrupted or disturbed, it can create stagnation (blockages) or imbalances in the body.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which heated cups are placed on your skin for a few minutes to remove stagnation and stimulate the flow of qi (chi). Cupping therapy may help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being as well as a type of deep-tissue massage...
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